Dear Parents/Guardians,
Here at Horizon, we have lots of stuff planned for the last weeks of school.
Today, May 14th: We will be splitting up the students with staff members and participating in a community service clean-up day. We will be starting at 9 and ending at 11:30 am. Student groups will pick up, bag up and load up any garbage along both sides of YellowCreek Road. We’ll have gloves, bags and signs ready to go. The weather shows a 24% chance of rain and we may be a little ways from the school. Please plan accordingly. It should be a great morning outside where we get the chance to help our community as part of city clean up week . We are asking everybody to wear their horizon shirts so that we can show off the great students, staff, and stuff we do at Horizon.
May 18th: There will be Saturday School from 9-11 am. If your student is not passing any classes, we are asking that they attend.
May 24th: Horizon students will be going out to the Hypoxia drag track at 10:30 and participating in a variety of service projects there. Some of the racers and track owners have also volunteered to treat us to some races and demonstrations as part of our day. As we will be there through lunch, we will plan to eat at the track. Central Kitchen will make sack lunches for any student who wants one. Students can also bring their own sack lunch if they wish. There will be no concessions or anything else to purchase there and we will be there from 10:30-1:30. Students should bring a water bottle and some layers of clothing to keep comfortable and protected from the sun as we support and enjoy our local race track.
May 29th: Horizon students and staff will be traveling to Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City for the day. We will be leaving in the morning soon after the bell rings, and be back in town in time for the buses to pick up students. Once again, the Kitchen will make sack lunches for any students who want them.
May 30th: Horizon students will have the option of going to Sulphur Creek Reservoir, or staying at the school for games and preparation for graduation. Students choosing to go to Sulphur Creek will leave at 8:30 am. At the reservoir students can use the fishing poles that some of the students have made. They will have the option to go out in a boat, fish from the shore, or just hang out and enjoy the day. We will be grilling hamburgers and hotdogs as part of the trip. We will return by 2:30 pm.
May 31st: This is the the last day of school (½ day) and also Graduation. The morning will be reserved for students who are not passing to complete and turn in any work they are missing to ensure they get credit for their classes. If students are passing all of their classes, they do not need to attend regular school on this day.
At 1:00 p.m., all seniors are required to attend and participate in practice for graduation. The graduation will be taking place out front of Horizon at 6pm. We encourage all students to attend and support our seniors at Horizon’s graduation.
Thanks, as always, for all of your support and everything that you do for our students and school.
If you do not want your student to participate in any of the activities outlined on this document, please contact our office at phone number 789-0122.
Bren Payne
Principal, Horizon High School